Newsletter 1-4

In this Issue:

  • Living Connected Unanderra;
  • Living Connected Milton;
  • Living Connected Wollongong  (iAccelerate) in November;
  • Living Connected at the Parkside Expo.

Living Connected Milton
The seeds of Living Connected were sown at the IRT Sarah Claydon Aged-care Facility 5 years ago. A computer group was formed by researchers from the University of Wollongong investigating why and how older people use computers. After the research concluded, volunteers on the project continued to run 1-on-1 computer Dropin sessions for the residents of Sarah Clayton every Friday afternoon. This group of volunteers now have agreement from the management to open these sessions to seniors in the local community and is soon to become “LIVING CONNECTED MILTON”.

Class at Milton

Living Connected Unanderra

Dropin Sessions are held at Unanderra Community Centre at 2pm on Mondays.  So we have some new customers with their own needs and questions. We enjoy helping this way.

Living Connected Wollongong (iAccelerate) in November

Dropin sessions continue to be held Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9.30am to 11.30am at iAccelerate, Innovation Campus, on the free Green Bus Route. For each Thursday in November Living Connected will have a focus on a specific subject such as email, facebook, family history, and navigating government websites. Watch the Website and Facebook for details

Living Connected at the IRT Parkside Expo

The first IRT customers are expected to move into the IRT Parkside development in April 2018. Living connected has been invited to exhibit at an information session exclusively for future residents on Tuesday 14th November. The goal of Living Connected remains the same, to help our elders, whether staying at home, or moving into a new place, to use their phones, devices or other computers, to connect with family and friends.